
Mobilize as much energy as possible for safer roads

Upstream of the Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, held in Marrakech from February 18 to 20, TotalEnergies reasserted its commitment to ensuring safer roads. Two other key events marked the occasion in Marrakech: the 3rd World Youth Assembly for Road Safety, organized by our partner YOURS and the closing ceremony for TotalEnergies’ “Helmet 4 Life” operation.

The fourth “Ministerial” served to evaluate the progress made, exchange knowledge and continue taking measures to reduce the number of road deaths by half by 2030. The aim, pursued as part of the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 and adopted by the United Nations Organization (UNO), is also what guides the initiatives supported by TotalEnergies.

Renewed commitment to youth

Against this backdrop, TotalEnergies once again expressed its commitment to wide-reaching road safety programs targeting young people, at two key events.

On February 16 at the 3rd World Youth Assembly for Road Safety, organized by YOURS (Youth for Road Safety), and strongly backed by TotalEnergies Foundation - also a YOURS partner -  Jacques-Emmanuel Saulnier, General Delegate of the Foundation, insisted on the role young people have to play in promoting road safety. “Since our partnership with the Youth Coalition in 2020, we are proud to have seen 59 local action projects created and implemented,” he explained. Actions ranging from the deployment of new technological systems, cycle path audits, and the evaluation of the danger level of areas around schools have been taken. “Thanks to these projects, you have reached out to over half a million people with awareness messages,” he concluded, congratulating the 200 young leaders from over 70 countries for their determination. Jacques-Emmanuel Saulnier also explained how proud TotalEnergies is to support young people’s demand for road safety and confirmed the Company’s intention to heighten their call for change among its partners in the private sector and the stakeholders concerned.

“Helmet4Life” - mission accomplished!

On February 17, at TotalEnergies Route d’Ourika service station, a “Helmet4Life” ceremony organized by TotalEnergies Marketing Morocco gave Jacques-Emmanuel Saulnier, alongside Abdesslam Rhnimi, Managing Director & Country Chair for TotalEnergies in Morocco, the opportunity to hand out the last helmets in the “Helmet4Life” program.

It was also a time to celebrate the achievement of the project objectives, initiated by TotalEnergies and backed by 40 affiliates. The program has seen 100,000 motorcycle helmets distributed in 44 countries over three continents(1) in less than two years.

“By supplying helmets that meet the highest safety standards(2) and adapted for use in hot, humid climates, and by organizing road safety awareness sessions, “Helmet4Life” has helped equip 100,000 motorcyclists and raise their awareness to the importance of wearing protective equipment and of safer driving,” emphasized Jacques-Emmanuel Saulnier, as he reiterated the advantages of the operation.

Alongside that, TotalEnergies Foundation also participated in the discussion panel at the road safety symposium organized by Global Alliance, of which the Foundation is a partner.

These three flagship events enabled Jacques-Emmanuel Saulnier to remind everyone that “together, thanks to consistent and continued efforts in education, legislation and law enforcement, we can create a safer future for everyone.” It is the essence of TotalEnergies’ commitment, together with its partners in “a resolutely determined fight for safer roads, because every life is precious, and each avoidable death is one too many.”

(1) The helmets are certified according to UN standard ECE 22.05 and IS 4151:2015 for the Indian market.

(2) 34 countries in Africa, 3 in Asia Pacific (India, Cambodia, Vietnam) and 6 in Latin America (Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Chili, Paraguay, Bolivia, Colombia).