Focusing our actions on young people was a natural move, as they are the future of our society and we need to give them as wide a range of opportunities as possible to join the world of work and become committed players. However, many young people are growing up in sensitive economic, social and home environments with limited exposure to education, safety and appropriate social skills, and reduced access to sports and culture. And the figures reflect this state of affairs: in France, around 95,000 young people leave the education system* every year with no qualifications.
At TotalEnergies, we are convinced that we need to give each and every one of these young people the opportunity to fulfill their potential. Through the programs we run, we hope to further their personal and professional fulfillment, give them the tools they need to succeed and take the first steps toward independence, and inspire them to learn and take action to become responsible men and women with control over their future.
That’s why we’ve made Youth the focus of all the initiatives we support, in four priority areas: Inclusion and Education, Road Safety, Climate, Coastal Areas and Oceans and, Cultural Dialogue and Heritage.
*Source: French National Education (DEPP) 2021.
Our actions for young people, driven by TotalEnergies Foundation