"Learning by Doing" is a proven method
Applied to L'Industreet and Iron Academy
The sheer extent of the social and environmental challenges related to the fair energy transition to which TotalEnergies wants to contribute, requires everybody to proactively play their role as citizens. We carry out our mission in collaboration with associations, institutions, public authorities and other companies present in the field who practice “creating partnerships”, in keeping with Sustainable Development Goal no.17.
We have chosen to take action to make sure an impact is felt exactly where it is needed and work with our stakeholders. Through dialog and in the long term, we intend to kick start tangible and efficient solutions, adapted to local specificities.
The “creating partnerships” approach also includes our employees. The Action! Program created in 2018, gives all our employees in France and worldwide, to give up to three working days a year to work on citizenship initiatives proposed by associations.
In France, TotalEnergies Foundation therefore supports initiatives such as: