In 2021, TotalEnergies Foundation renewed its three-year support for the Démos program. The objective is to encourage young people in socially vulnerable situations or far from cultural events, to take up a musical instrument and continue to play in the long-term.
Aristide Adeikalam:
Today, we are lauching the Défi Jeunesse program, which we have set up together with the nonprofit United Way L’Alliance.
Laurence Piccinin:
Today is the grand première. We are very happy, because companies and nonprofits are going to be meeting with 92 sixth grade students, and those kinds of people do not usually get to work together. So we create a bridge between those two worlds. And the assets of Défi Jeunesse are both the serenity, the interpersonal skills and the complementary of contents that these independent operators are going to bring to the students.
Jean Guillaume de Tocqueville:
To say: what’s the point of succeeding alone? None. If I succeeded, that means others can succeed too. That means others deserve to succeed. So that’s the commitment of United Way L’Alliance.
Laurence Piccinin:
It is one of the few programs that lasts all through secondary school. After that, in high school, and until these young people enter the labour market. This really is a lengthy cycle. In sixth grade, the work essentially revolves around educational choices and discovering the working field.
Aristide Adeikalam:
In seventh and eighth grade, there will be great sponsors, senior executives from La Défense, and so ninth grade, there are quality internship offers for our students.
A teacher:
Défi Jeunesse, « i » for?
A student:
A teacher:
Ideas. Yes, I like that. A student:
A teacher:
Ideal, yes.
A student:
A teacher:
A student:
I like it, it’s quite fun actually. We’re trying to broaden the subject although we haven’t talked about it before.
A student:
To help us afterwards.
Isabelle Andrieu:
It’s quite obvious, I mean, once we get them into it, you give them positive thinking, they give you positive in return. And that lasts four years, so it’s real delight.
Dorothée Van Der Cruyssen:
Yes, I noticed that companies were really enthusiastic about participating and getting involved differently with young people, and territories, in a very innovative way. Here you can find another one, either that rhymes with youth, or else, something funny.
A student:
The Défi Jeunesse is about old people teaching young people.
A student:
Défi Jeunesse is a guarantee for the future. Défi Jeunesse is the commitment to succeed, and learn and succeed, that’s the Défi Jeunesse. I’ve got tons of good ideas, you know.
A student:
It helps us work towards better thinking.
A student:
Défi Jeunesse, the future is ahead of you.
A student:
Défi Jeunesse, when you get help there’s no stress. Défi Jeunesse, you get help in case of distress.
Antoine Philippart:
It’s always interesting to see how the children react, particularly in sixth grade.
Aristide Adeikalam:
We were lucky to be able to join forces with United Way L’Alliance, it’s a real blessing for us. Getting started with education and educational choices early on is very important.
Christine Valero:
The pupil, from sixth grade to twelfth grade, must discover the economical and professional world, find their way, make commitments, acquire entrepreneurship skills.
Aristide Adeikalam:
It was great, we had an excellent afternoon.
Catherine Luquet:
Delighted, and anyway it’s a pleasure to see all these young people about to get involved in the program, and a pleasure to see how energetic they are.
Laurence Piccinin:
This is full of promises for what comes next.
Défi Jeunesse, that’s
13,600 young people taken care of in 2021-2022
31 colleges et 5 high schools
40 nonprofits
40 companies
10 territories