Oceano pour Tous (Oceans for everyone), a competition to help young people discover the ocean’s treasures

How can we help young generations to know more about the Ocean and its environmental stakes? By introducing them to the wealth of marine biodiversity and the essential role the ocean plays for people and in regulating the climate; and also by involving them in actual projects to preserve and protect the oceans. That’s what the Oceano pour Tous competition is all about, an initiative from the Oceanographic Institute, Albert I Prince of Monaco Foundation, and supported by the TotalEnergies Foundation.
The Oceanographic Institute is working to enable young generations to gain a more in-depth understanding of the challenges involved in protecting the Ocean and identifying the means of action. That’s why since 2014, in France and in Monaco, it has organized Oceano pour Tous, in partnership with the French national education system.
For 2022-2023, a call for projects has been issued among high-school classes, and with a particular focus on applications from schools located in REP (Priority Education Networks) and REP+. 20 will be selected, i.e. approximately 600 students directly concerned. The project will also have a knock-on effect on their friends and families, which means that awareness could be raised among some 30,000 people.