06/05/2019 News
Total Foundation signs up for United Nations Global Road Safety Week
Total Foundation and the Michelin Corporate Foundation have joined forces to develop a worldwide road safety education program, the VIA program, targeting 10 to 18 year olds. This program forms part of the fourth pillar of the Global Plan for the United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020).
Intended to improve driving practices in road users, the program will be developed by way of an innovative digital platform. Drawing on the local presence of Total and Michelin affiliates, and with the support of local partners and stakeholders, the platform will facilitate deployment of learning materials to the community of teachers and educators.
Through this program, young people can develop different skills as they learn to think, work in groups, develop their creativity and critical thinking, manage a project ... around the subject of road safety. By 2020, this education program will be rolled out to 100,000 young people.
Watch Total Foundation’s Webdoc #3