17/05/2020 News
Covid-19 : VIA Online Game to Raise Road Safety Awareness Among Young People
In response to the high number of young people involved in road accidents, Total Foundation and Fondation Michelin, in a commitment to improving road safety, have created the VIA online game for 10- to 18-year-olds. This fun, interactive game will raise awareness of road hazards.
Launched by Fondation Michelin and Total Foundation, the VIA worldwide road safety awareness program uses an interactive teaching method and aims to help young people navigate cities and roads more safely. The program uses innovative and creative teaching styles, enabling young people to reflect and adapt their behavior to their own environment. The VIA program is flexible, easy to set up, and has already been implemented in 19 Production Schools in France, 120 schools in India, and eight in Romania. The goal is to educate 100,000 young people over a three-year period.
- Discover the global VIA program
In addition to the VIA program, and in an effort to reach as many young people as possible, a VIA online game has been created for 10- to 18-year-olds. The game can be downloaded for free on Google Play and is available in English and French on tablets and smartphones.
This interactive game raises young people’s road safety awareness by way of a quiz focusing on five modes of transportation: walking, bicycle, motorbike, car and public transportation. The game reminds users of general safety rules, teaches new concepts and suggests useful best practices. Each question is ranked by level and each response is accompanied by a short explanation.
The game is an opportunity for everyone to test their knowledge and become more aware of road hazards. Share this information with others to improve road safety!
- You can access the educational VIA road safety game on your computer or on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cx.egon.via&gl=AT.
- For those unable to access the platform, you can find the VIA game by clicking on the following link: https://www.viaroadsafety.com/game