19/11/2020 News
A Look Over Our Crisis Outreach Program
2020 was marked by an unprecedented health, economic and social crisis. Total Foundation has made a concrete contribution to the efforts made, with €5 million contributed so far to the fight against Covid-19 and for recovery in France and abroad. We take a look over the measures put in place.
Combating the Pandemic
As early as March, in response to the crisis, Total Foundation began supporting medical research and emergency health care. In France, in addition to the 50 million fuel vouchers given to healthcare workers, the Total Group also donated €1 million to the Institut Pasteur for research projects. Donations made to hospitals have helped meet staff’s urgent and day to-day demand for masks, visors, gowns and ventilators. Six Hut tents – innovative self contained shelters designed by Hutchinson, a Total affiliate – have been installed at the White Cross and SAMU Social facilities in Cannes to safely accommodate the influx of patients.
To help people in its most vulnerable host regions, Total Foundation has also signed a €1 million partnership with the Red Cross to set up a program to combat the epidemic in 13 African countries. In Africa and in the rest of the world, our employees have launched local initiatives, including fuel and lubricant donations, discounts on gas and electricity, the manufacture of protective equipment and hand sanitizer, support for local associations and campaigns to raise awareness on social distancing.
Remaining Mobilized Alongside Our Partners
In this context, Total Foundation’s mission is more meaningful than ever. It was important to us to reassure our partners from the beginning about the continuity of our financial commitments, so that they could keep providing aid to the most vulnerable, who are often the most affected by the crisis.
Combating the Digital Divide
In France, the six-week lockdown accentuated inequalities, isolation and difficulties at school. To help ensure that education could continue from home, Total Foundation – thanks to the involvement of associations such as Break Poverty and direct contact with school authorities – was able to support 5,500 students. These included beneficiaries of our partner nonprofits, including Institut Télémaque, Production Schools and Proxité, which work to educate young people and help them enter the workforce. Some of them were provided with computer equipment (more than 2,800 tablets and PCs), some were trained in using digital tools, and others were given access to a dedicated distance learning platform for CAP vocational qualifications. In addition, through nonprofit Simplon, 1,000 tablets were distributed to disabled or hospitalized children and to refugees seeking employment.
Action! Against the Crisis
Our employees took part on a personal level via the “Action!” employee citizenship program, which has reorganized its work in keeping with health restrictions and social distancing requirements (academic support, links with elderly or isolated people, etc.).
Promoting the Revival of Cultural Activities
Lastly, since culture is a key factor in helping young people find their place in society and gain in self-confidence, Total Foundation backed two summer initiatives. The first, by the Philharmonie de Paris, centered around a music performance project for early school leavers, while the second, led by the Institut du Monde Arabe, hosted extracurricular visits and workshops for children and teenagers from priority neighborhoods as part of the French government’s “Learning Holidays” scheme.
During this unusual and worrying time, Total Foundation remains committed, convinced that outreach initiatives are more important than ever to help young people reach their full potential despite the challenging environment. In this new period of lockdown, we are remaining vigilant and attentive to the needs of our partners.