
France’s National Education Forum: Toward an Educational Pact

In November 2019, think tank Vers Le Haut kicked off France’s National Education Forum at the Economic, Social and Environmental Council. The aim was to give all stakeholders the opportunity to play a part in building tomorrow’s education system. TotalEnergies Foundation is a proud contributor to this pioneering, citizen-led initiative.

A series of seven major events were organized in seven French cities over 20 months. At each stage, an educational challenge was tackled through participatory workshops, then discussed in nighttime public meetings with parents, young people, educational stakeholders and representatives of nonprofits, unions, government bodies and companies. A participatory platform was also set up for people’s comments, testimonies and suggestions.

In total, more than 15,000 contributions were received. These formed the basis of a white paper, “Changer l’Education c’est possible” (Changing Education Is Possible), which was submitted to the public authorities on July 1. It contains two key texts: 

  • An education charter designed to be appended to the constitution.
  • A program with 20 flagship proposals to provide solutions to major educational challenges. 

TotalEnergies Foundation is delighted to have supported and contributed to this participatory and collective initiative, which aligns fully with its commitment to vulnerable young people by fostering an inclusive education system capable of revealing everyone’s true potential.

TotalEnergies’ French corporate foundation has itself sought to advance an effective solution for youth inclusion and education by launching L’Industreet, an innovative campus providing free training in industry professions to young people aged 18 to 25, with or without qualifications.