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Alliance pour l'éducation - United Way

In 3 questions, Johanna Legru, general Delegate, tells us about the shared commitment to young people of Alliance pour l'éducation - United Way and TotalEnergies Foundation.

The partners share their experience: Alliance pour l'éducation - United Way

The partners share their experience: Alliance pour l'éducation - United Way

Johanna Legru – Déléguée générale – Alliance pour l’éducation - United Way

It’s about being a partner on a daily basis, to work and think together, drawing on the Foundation’s expertise.

What’s your commitment to youth?

Our commitment is to middle school students from sixth grade to ninth grade. We work to prevent them dropping out of school, and we have a program where we go and support them during classes to help them build a career path, to get to know themselves better, and imagine themselves in potential professions. 40 associations work with us on the program, and with support from 39 companies, we try to reach out to over 15,000 young people.

What’s your project with TotalEnergies Foundation?

It supports our flagship program called “Défi jeunesse” (youth challenge), which is the career support program for students from sixth to ninth grade. The Foundation supports us throughout the entire process. It helps us make the best possible choices, and make the most effective and strategic decisions relative to the socio-economic reality of the different regions we work in.

Can you sum up “creating partnerships” in a few words?

It’s about being a partner on a daily basis, to work and think together, drawing on the Foundation’s expertise, about what happens in the field, on other topics and perhaps with other associations and different populations. That’s a real partnership for us.