Our commitment to young people

"Being a public interest company means creating value for society in addition to socio-economic performance. At TotalEnergies, we have placed youth at the heart of this firm belief. "
Jacques-Emmanuel Saulnier
Senior Vice President Citizenship Engagement and General Delegate of TotalEnergies Foundation
Youth unemployment and insecurity have worrying, even dramatic, consequences worldwide in economic and human terms.
Since there is no sustainable development that would leave young people by the wayside, TotalEnergies Corporate Foundation acts to give them the keys to taking their fate into their own hands, targeting the most vulnerable amongst them, by promoting equal opportunities and contributing to their autonomy.
The Foundation was created in 1992 and now takes action alongside its partners in four priority areas, in compliance with its history, its disciplines and its values: Inclusion and education; Road safety; Climate, coastal areas and oceans; Cultural dialogue and heritage. Its actions, deployed essentially in France, or as part of the global public interest program of the TotalEnergies Foundation, thereby contribute to the Company’s community engagement.
In the area of inclusion, TotalEnergies Foundation designed and financed L’industreet, a campus situated in Seine-Saint-Denis, which provides free tuition to young people in highly sought-after professions in the industrial sector. From May 2021 to June 2023, it welcomed 500 young people aged 18 to 30, whether qualified or not, from all socio-cultural backgrounds and from different regions in France. The objective is to ensure that everyone has access to employment on completion of a training course introducing an innovative teaching approach tailored to each trainee.
TotalEnergies corporate Foundation
TotalEnergies corporate Foundation acts in favor of young people, in particular the most vulnerable ones. It works alongside its partners in four priority areas: Inclusion & Education; Road Safety; Climate, Coastal Areas & Oceans; and Cultural Dialogue & Heritage. Its initiatives as well as the Action! program which gives the Company’s employees the opportunity to devote up to three days of their working time each year to public-interest initiatives, extend TotalEnergies economic, social and societal contribution in France and hence take part in the Company’s citizenship engagement.