Inclusion Requires Soft Skills Too

We firmly believe that combining know-how and soft skills is the key to success. That’s why TotalEnergies Foundation is involved in several projects designed to nurture young people’s full potential, well beyond academic and technical knowledge. Skills such as knowing how to adapt to different situations, managing stress, staying motivated, controlling your emotions, and understanding social codes in the workplace can all make a big difference in the world of work.

Alongside the Institut Télémaque, 40 or so TotalEnergies employees pitch in each year to tutor promising young people from priority neighborhoods.

TotalEnergies Foundation also supports the Eloquentia public-speaking program because verbal agility and self-confidence are major assets when taking a job interview or presenting career plans. Thanks to this support, 5,830 young people in 2020/21 and 9,075 in 2021/22 received assistance. The aim is to attain 10,000 hours of training a year for 10,000 junior high and high-school students in the Ile de France and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur regions by 2023.

Institut Télémaque - Tutoring

Eloquentia – Final Saint-Denis 2019

Chemins d’avenirs fights against territorial inequalities by supporting junior high, high school and college students in rural areas and small towns based solely on motivation, irrespective of school results or social aspects, and helps them reveal their potential. Thanks to backing from TotalEnergies Foundation, the association individually supported 1,230 young people during the 2020/21 school year. The objective is to reach 1,800 young people in 2021/22 and 3,000 in 2022/23.