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In 3 questions, Alicia Izard, the General Manager of the association, tells us about Eloquentia's and TotalEnergies Foundation's shared commitment to young people.

The partners of TotalEnergies Foundation share their experience: Eloquentia

The partners of TotalEnergies Foundation share their experience: Eloquentia

TotalEnergies Foundation is currently one of our major partners offering multi-year support.

What’s your commitment to youth?

Alicia Izard – General Manager – Eloquentia: We offer educational curriculums in schools, middle schools, high schools, vocational high schools and universities, particularly in cities’ priority neighborhoods, to help young people learn to speak in public, to regain or acquire self-confidence, to give themselves freedom through speech. We also organize competitions, open to high-schoolers and 18-30-year-olds across France, who meet up to discuss society issues.

What’s your project with TotalEnergies Foundation?

Alicia Izard: TotalEnergies Foundation is currently one of our major partners offering multi-year support, we’re now entering the 3rd year of the partnership which is a great asset for us too. The main issues concern deployment, as Eloquentia is celebrating its 10 years of existence this year, so the aim was to deploy all our curriculums in middle, high and vocational high schools. Another aim was to broaden the Competition license, which enables us to extend our action to many more territories, we’re now in around 30 cities in France and French-speaking countries. There are also cross-functional issues such as the institutionalization of our model, petition, impact measurement, and more technical subjects – ERP, GDPR, information systems, that we need.

Can you sum up “creating partnerships” in a few words?

Alicia Izard: I think we’re “creating partnerships” with TotalEnergies Foundation, first because they provide long-term support. They're familiar with all our topics, our challenges, and we have a very open dialogue with TotalEnergies Foundation when it comes to telling them what we need, what has to evolve in the relationship, so “creating partnerships” is a good definition.